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The life expectancy of an indoor cat is 15 – 20 years. We ask you to make a carefully considered decision and to be aware of the responsibility you assume with the arrival of a cat in your home. He is a very sensitive being who will bring you a lot of happiness provided you respect his needs and take good care of him.

Regarding the animal, it is the duty of the adopter to :

- Detain the animal in conditions compatible with its biological and behavioral needs and give it   

  attentive care in accordance with legal obligations provided for in articles L214-1 to L 214-3

  of the rural and maritime fishing code.

Extract from the rural and maritime fishing code :

«Any animal, being a sentient being, must be placed by its owner in conditions compatible

with the biological imperatives of its species. It is prohibited to mistreat domestic animals

as well as wild animals.»

- Do not violate Animal Protection legislation under penalty of legal proceedings..

- Making him live at his side, within the home itself.

- Treat the animal well; do not leave him tied up or locked in a shelter, kennel or isolated room.

- Give him food, care, habitat suitable to his needs for his well-being and balance (cat tree, high

  resting place(s), toys, etc.) and keep his vaccination record up to date.

- To have it spayed or neutered when the time comes (average age (5 - 6 months)) if the kitten/cat

  is not neutered at the time of its adoption due to its age. It is up to the adopter to manage the time

  of sterilization/castration by contacting the association at least 15 days in advance, in order to

  organize the intervention with one of the partner veterinary clinics.

- Sterilization/castration will be carried out either with the association's partner veterinarian

  (voucher provided separately with this adoption contract) or with another veterinarian after

  agreement with the STC68 in compliance with the deadline written on the voucher provided. The

  cat should not go outside before having been spayed or neutered.

- If the adopter does not take steps for sterilization/castration in time, he or she is exposed to a litter

  by the female for which the association cannot be held responsible. In this case the association

  will not return the deposit.

- To respect an indoor safety period of at least 8 weeks for an adult cat, the time for him to get his


- To secure balconies, terraces and/or places which could endanger the life of the cat.

- ++ Do not leave windows or patio doors open tilt-and-turn.

- ++ Do not leave toxic indoor plants within reach (Dieffenbachia, Orchid, Ficus and two-tone

       plants with white in general, non-exhaustive list!) without the cat being supervised by a person

       in the room itself. Very high risk of death from strangulation or poisoning!

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